How to disinfect and clean the washing machine

How to disinfect and clean the washing machine

Have you often thought about cleaning the washing machine? Do you feel that everything is OK with her? Hmm … Think of it again!

According to a survey, approximately 25% of washing machines carry fecal bacteria from our clothes. Anyway, there is no need to catch you panic. You can disinfect and clean the washing machine with just a few simple actions.

It is recommended that every time in a few months you clean the washing machine and not just the inside, but also the side parts, the door, the rubber, and the detergent dispenser. But the most important thing is to clean the centrifuge.

Washing Parts

Clean the gum with the help of a slice previously dipped in vinegar. Be careful to remove the dust and mold from the tires beforehand. If possible, dispose of the detergent dispenser and dampener, remove and clean with lukewarm water. Then dry it before returning it to its place. We advise you to leave it open for a while after cleaning the washing machine door.


You can clean it with vinegar and baking soda or lemon juice. First check whether there’s any clothes inside, maybe a sock, and empty it. In the detergent dish, pour two tablespoons of baking soda and half a glass of distilled vinegar. Close the washing machine door and door. Heat the temperature at the highest temperature and select the longest wash cycle that exists on your washing machine.

Leave the washing machine to work until the end of the cleaning cycle, baking soda and vinegar will clean and completely disinfect the inside of the washing machine.

Instead of vinegar, you can pour a glass of lemon juice into the detergent dispenser. This way you will disinfect the washing machine, remove unpleasant odors and the remaining dust. This way will be particularly useful if you are having problems with mud.

Clean the cleaning process every three months or more, if you are wearing dirty and greasy work clothes.

If your laundry after washing has a moisture scent, the washing machine may have a problem. To remove that fragrance can help the caraway oil. Take 10 drops in the centrifuge and allow the washing machine to perform a complete cleaning cycle at its highest temperature.


vinegar; baking soda; lavender oil; old toothbrush

• Once a month, do an empty wash, placing in the bin two liters of white vinegar, diluted with a little water. In this way we clean the tubes well. To make it even more effective, add vinegar, or two drops of lavender essential oil, which gives the fragrance a delicious flavor and a fresh flavor.
• Cleaning the washing machine is also essential, as most of the impurities are deposited there. Just remove it and clean it in running water. Usually, the filter is located at the bottom of the washing machine, below its door. Before you take the filter to clean it, you must have unplugged the washing machine. Place a cloth under it so that you can suck the water out of the filter.
• The washing machine’s inner liner should be kept clean to avoid the bad odor that can leave the garments when placed inside it. To clean, we can use an old toothbrush to rub and clean rubber gaskets, because these are the parts that need cleaning. If we open them a little by hand, we can easily discern the impurities that emit the clothes.
Do not forget! Wash and clean the washing machine and filter at least once a month!