5 Carrying out to teach children how to care for the home.

Children need to get used to caring for themselves. At first it is difficult, but it is not impossible. Parents are the only ones who have to prepare their children for the future. Give advice and teach children to look after the home.

The 5 trains that should make the princes to teach their children are:

1- Teach the children to fix the clutter they create with their toys.
Kids are in love with their toys, and most important, the toys end up in every corner of the house. A simple trap is to teach your children to collect toys in a box and put them in their room.

2- Teach the children to adjust the bed every morning.
Even though they are small, children should adjust the bed as soon as they get up in the morning. The bed will not be perfect adjusted, but being practiced every day they will learn. To be more interesting, teach the children the carcass trimmings on the bed. Learn to play by combining colors. It will be a good way for kids to be curious to decorate their bed.

3- Teach the children to adjust their clothes.
The drawer, in which less clothes are placed, is a way for the children to begin to rearrange and settle their folded clothes as desired.

4- Teach the children to wash the floor.
After everything has been arranged by children under the care of their parents, their room should be hidden. Together with you, children can use the small broom to wipe their room.

That they look important and think they clean their own room. Parents should prepare a bucket of warm water and throw the proper DIP detergent, which perfectly cleans the floor of your home.

Choosing the right detergent is the most important step. Dip is suitable for tiles and parquet, eliminates all stains and gives the right floor brightness.

Then squeeze the cloth well and allow the children to finish washing their room.

Careful! Children should always be under the observation and care of their parents.