The secret that sweaters look beautiful always …

Sweets in this season are not missing in any wardrobe and the whole family prefers. Warmth on cold days makes our woolen clothes to be worn daily. Frequent washing of woolen clothes is a problem because it creates not only thinning but also reducing clothing. We must take care when washing them.

Know the following tips:

  • Always read the labels before washing your clothes!
  • Never wash at high temperatures!
  • Always choose a short process!
  • Of course the detergent plays an important role and needs careful attention!

No worries about the white clothes Deka No comment for clothes whiter than white. It contains enzymes that repair the fibers and eliminate sputum, which is the cause of the gray shade that gets the clothes.

You will not be frightened “Deka No Comment” will help you with white clothes after each wash.