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Why Fragrances are important…

Nature is the richest source of pleasant aromas. For thousands years in the world of perfumes, but also in that of different flavors of the environment, have been used fragrances of wood origin, fruits and fragrances of flowers .Natural fragrances have been used centuries ago in medicine for body healing and relaxation of the mind, long before the word “aromatherapy” was invented.

History of smelling

We just need to see our fluffy and 4 foot pets to understand that smelling is their strongest sense. Even ancient people, when living in caves and closer to earth contact, were based on smelling to survive.

With the evolution of man as a being, the sense of smelling began to fade, leaving the primary place the sense of seeing. However, some of the expressions that have remained in the daily jargon, such as “smells something in danger”, testify to a strong bond between the sense of smell we have as humans and the intuition, the instinct, or what we call the “sixth sense “.

Science of smell

Smelling is considered the most powerful sensation. The inside of the nose is the only part of the human body where the central nervous system comes in contact with the outside world around us.

A single flavor stimulate a spontaneous emotional response, at a speed that is even greater than the time the brain needs to process the information it receives from the outside. Fragrances have the power to make us feel immediately sad or happy, without even realizing how these feelings come from.

The magic of smelling

A famous philosopher once said: “Fragrances have magical strength to turn us back in time.” It may be a cooking flavor that reminds us of the grandmother’s cooking when we were a kid, or the scent of the wood that reminds us of childhood when we went to school.
Fragrances have the extraordinary ability to give us pleasure moments. If you smell the skin of an orange, you will feel young and full of energy. When you close your eyes and smelling the sweet smell of a flower, it’s as if you are sucking the fresh spring air.
To “fill with breath” means “to be resurrected”!
Microcapsules with Perfume, made of different flower stay for a long time in your clothes, making you feel good, fresh and full of energy.
