How to arrange your wardrobe?

How to arrange a wardrobe and replace your winter clothes with the spring ones.

Beautiful picture of wardrobe in magazines, make you feeling bad? Jealous ?! Hmm … it’s not that hard to have an organized closet.

The less clothing you have, the easier it is to organize. When pulling out summer clothes to put it back in use, consider:

Start cleaning! Eliminate what you do not use, forgive, give in, or watch for sewing, if you need different adjustments or recycling to use it again.

Check for any possible stain. If you have saved something, you will need to put a washing machine.
Arrange, organize, decorate, decorate with scarfs, hats, belts, etc.

Often times, the clothes that have no time to use when pulling them out of any drawer worn in the closet or (many of you holding them in the suitcase), hold a mold or damp wind. If you wash with Deka Color and Prim Deluxe, you will not feel anything like that. This is because Perfume Microcapsule make it possible for the aroma to last for weeks and months. Microcapsules not only flavor but also eliminate bad odors.